Quartz Flooring Parkland

Concrete Floor Coating

For installations of Quartz Flooring, Parkland clients turn to the expertise of The Epoxy Pros. Offering high-quality commercial-grade epoxy, polyurethane, and polyurea-Polyaspartic floor coatings, choose from a variety of colors or combinations to personalize your installation. Rapidly curing, many installations can be completed within 1 day. You can resume foot traffic in as little as 12 hours and vehicular traffic after 96 hours. Installed in a 5-step process for maximum strength, we customize the installation process to properly prepare your slab by grinding and filling any holes or cracks in order to provide a smooth finished product.

Eliminating the need for repeated polishing or buffing commonly associated with polished or stained concrete, a quartz flooring installation is a popular choice for a variety of installations. Eliminating grout joints, your quartz flooring for Parkland installations is a seamless floor, making the minimal maintenance needed quick and easy. Resistant to most household and automotive chemicals as well as impact, bacteria, mold and more, this flooring is both low-maintenance and cost-effective. The trained technicians at The Epoxy Pros will review the installation with you before beginning your project, ensuring you understand the process and have no questions before we begin. For your free quote, call today!

For Garage Floor Coating that be easy to maintain, long-lasting, and tough select the floor coating from The Epoxy Pros. Our experts will quickly install your floor coating which is superior to other floor coatings. Our customers are very pleased with the results, and we know that you will be too. Contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss your floor coating needs. We guarantee our floor coating will stand up to the everyday demands of your garage. The Epoxy Pros are ready to assist you with your garage floor needs and give you a free quote.

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